Kafija 4Cycists Soigneur 250g


Grauzdēta kafija ar saldu, maigu garšu un marcipāna, valriekstu garšas notīm.

Grauzdējums: vidējs
Reģions: Brazīlija un Kolombija



Coffee 4Cyclists Soigneur 250g ground coffee

Sweet and mild with notes of marzipan and walnuts

Roast: Medium
Region: Brasil and Colombia

Coffee 4Cyclists Soigneur 250g ground coffee name was born by a simple principle. As a loyal soigneur, ground coffee can be your best buddy when you have no time or no chance to use beans. We are sure that this coffee will become your “team member”. 

Soigneur – A member of team staff who looks after the riders, performing duties such as giving massages, handing up food and water bottles, seeing that riders get to their hotels and so on.

Relationship between coffee and cycling seemed to really pick up in the latter half of the 20th century. Cafés and espresso bars have historically offered cyclists a place to briefly socialise and relax. They are also a key part of what is referred to as “the coffee ride”.

It’s difficult to find a specific definition of what the coffee ride is but we all know what that means for us. We love coffee as much as riding our bikes. That`s why we made our coffee. Made by cyclists for cyclists.


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Kafija 4Cycists Soigneur 250g